Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Security Token Offerings (STOs)?

Security Token Offerings (STO): Encompass both tokenized securities (as defined below), and security token offerings (as defined below). Tokens may be or may directly represent shares, bonds, funds interests, etc., or may be certificates representing those securities.

Security Token Offerings (STO): Blockchain-native securities where the representation of ownership of interest is issued directly onto the blockchain, i.e. there is no paper interest referenced. The digital representation of ownership exists purely in a digital form and instead of a paper contract, investors hold “tokens” or smart contracts.

Tokenized Securities: Digital representations of a traditional security in token form, say debt or equity, in a company or fund, which references a paper interest, where the security was not digitally native but has been subsequently converted into a security token.

How Can a Company or Investment Fund Issue STOs?

The rationale and the scope of issuing STOs remains the same as those of traditional security offerings. However, STOs provide an added component of "digitizing" or digitally representing the ownership interests of private companies or investment funds. Only a licensed, blockchain technology-enabled tokenization platform, such as InvestaX, can issue compliant STOs on behalf of private companies and investment funds.

Who Can Invest in STOs?

At this stage, any individual above the age of 18 who is an accredited investor, registered corporate entity, or institutional investor is allowed to invest in STOs issued by InvestaX. Please note that InvestaX is regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore and holds a Capital Markets Services licence to deal in securities. In accordance with this license, InvestaX requires every investor to go through our investor accreditation process so as to ensure regulatory compliance.

How Can I Invest in STOs?

Please sign up here to complete our investor accreditation process. Once you get approved as an investor on our platform, you can begin to participate in listed STOs on our platform.

What Are the Key Considerations for Investors?

All investments involve an element of risk, so investors are responsible for conducting their own due diligence in the context of their capital, risk appetite, and understanding of the STO. InvestaX and the issuers on InvestaX do not provide any STOs with guaranteed returns. The value of each STO is chiefly determined by the quality of the underlying asset/security and other factors such as liquidity and stock market conditions etc. Investors should determine for themselves if a particular STO is suitable in consideration of their risk tolerance.

What Services Does InvestaX Provide?

As explained earlier, tokenized securities are digital representations of securities issued using blockchain technology (Security Token Offerings or STOs). InvestaX is a security tokens platform that is able to deliver end-to-end solutions for such assets. For issuers, who are typically real estate and private equity firms, this would include primary market issuance, advisory, capital raising, listing, secondary trading, and lifecycle management of security tokens. On the other hand, private markets investors will now be able to hold, invest and trade private securities in a digital token format all on one integrated platform.

Where Can I Find Deal-Specific Information and Related Documents?

Once you log in with your credentials and have succesfully completed our investor accreditation process, you will be able to view all deal-specific information in the restricted portion of our website. Your Investor Dashboard will be updated with progress reports, compliance forms, communications from issuers, and other relevant documents once you have made the investment.

Am I Protected as an Investor?

Yes, investor protection is critical to our business. While we can never guarantee returns, we continuously refine our due diligence process to enhance our deal monitoring and onboarding procedures to ensure the quality of STO-issuing companies (and hence, the STOs) on our platform. As InvestaX is a licensed entity registered with the Monetary Authority of Singapore, we inspect company incorporation, financials, quality of management team, and shareholders/directors list at the earliest stage, allowing us to detect concerns and/or wrongdoings before any STO-issuing company gets onboarded.

The mandatory due diligence is performed by our internal team of professional investment analysts. They audit and review all information supplied by an issuer. Having said, it is necessary for investors to conduct their own due diligence before investing in any STO. InvestaX offers a platform to invest and trade STOs but does not bear responsibility if a particular investment fails to achieve its investment objectives.

Forgot / Change Password

If you have forgotten your password, or simply want to change it, please click on the “forgot my password” link on InvestaX's login page. The subsequent steps will guide you to create a new password.

Why Do I Need to Go through the KYC/AML Process?

These checks are required by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, and are common in almost all reputable investment jurisdictions. These checks serve to protect every participating entity on the platform: investors, STO-issuing companies, and InvestaX.

Do I Need to Be an "Accredited Investor" to Participate?

Yes, currently, you must be an accredited investor as defined under Section 4A(1)(a) of the Securities and Futures Act (SFA), Chapter 289 to participate on InvestaX's platform.

What Are KYC and AML?

Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti Money Laundering (AML) checks are performed for every potential investor to confirm the identity of investors and to ensure that they comply with the requirements of Singapore's regulations along with the recommendations set forth by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as the global watchdog for prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. These checks typically involve checking personal documents such as a government-issued identity card or passport, proof of address such as a utility bill or bank statement, and/or wallets that the investor may use to fund his/her STO investments.

How Do I Know If I Am Accredited?

In Singapore, an "Accredited Investor" is defined in Section 4A(1)(a) of the Securities and Futures Act (SFA), Chapter 289.

An individual whose:

1. Net personal assets (including up to SGD$1 million of your primary residence) exceeds SGD$2 million or its equivalent in foreign currency; or
2. Income in the preceding 12 months is not less than SGD 300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency); or
3. Financial assets (e.g. deposits and investment products) exceed SGD$1 million or its equivalent in foreign currency; or
4. Jointly held account with an individual meets any of the above.

A corporate which is:

1. An entity or corporation with net assets exceeding SGD$10 million or its equivalent in foreign currency; or
2. An entity or corporation whose shareholders are all accredited investors
3. A partnership (other than a limited liability partnership) where all the partners are accredited investors; or
4. The trustee of a trust the subject matter of which exceeds SGD$10 million or its equivalent in foreign currency; or; or
5. A trust where all the beneficiaries are accredited investors; or
6. Trust where all the settlors are accredited investors and have reserved to themselves all powers of investment and asset management functions under the trust, and have reserved to themselves the power to revoke the trust.

As part of our investor onboarding process, we will guide you through our accreditation process to verify your investor status.

Does InvestaX charge fees for deposits and withdrawals?

Yes. Please see below:

ServiceFee (USD)
Withdrawal$25 flat fee
Deposit$25 flat fee
Does InvestaX have Exchange transaction fees?

Yes. Please see our Exchange transactions fees below:

Membership30 Days Volume (More Than)Maker FeeTaker Fee
Do you have a complaint?


At IC SG Pte. Ltd. (“InvestaX”), we are committed to providing our customers with the highest standard of service. If you have a concern or complaint, we encourage you to contact us so that it can be resolved. We ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, efficiently and as effectively as possible. As a customer of ours, you are entitled to make a complaint to us.

What is a Complaint?

InvestaX defines a complaint as any expression of dissatisfaction, with any of its product(s) or service, that is made in writing to it. Complaints are handled without any charge to the customer.

Registering your complaint

You can reach out to us with your complaint via any of the following channels:
• Email: you can write an e-mail to
• Contact us form: you can contact us through the contact form available here
• You can also write to us at ℅ IC SG Pte. Ltd. 80 Robinson Road, #08-01 Singapore, 068898

We will strive to provide a response within 48 hours of receipt when you reach out through any of our official support channels.

Support Policy

When you make a complaint to us, we will:
• Acknowledge your complaint and use our best endeavors to understand the issues.
• Do everything reasonably required to fix the problem.
• Keep you informed of the progress.
• Keep a record of your complaint.
• Give you a name, reference number and contact details so that you can follow up if necessary.
• Provide a final response to you within 30 business days of the complaint being submitted.
• Explain our assessment, along with any remedial action or redress and take measures to improve any systems or processes, where necessary.

Please contact us at for more information.
Last Updated - Jan, 2023